Criminal Justice, A.A.S.

Academic Programs

Career Path


Start Term

Program Options

Degree, Certificate or Diploma


Council Bluffs Campus
Clarinda Center
Cass County Center
Page/Fremont County Center
Shelby County Center

Job Outlook

Annual Openings: Regional: 50, State: 450, National: 52,900

Occupational Growth: Regional: 2.8%, State: 1.1%, National: 3%

Data is from the Omaha Metropolitans Area, and the seven counties in Southwest Iowa that Iowa Western serves

What will you do

This program prepares students for careers in Law Enforcement (Police, Deputy Sheriff, Trooper) and Correction Officer. Additionally, the program helps individuals move on to advanced training or gain additional skills to enhance their career. The CRJ program at IWCC will provide interested students in our region and surrounding area with the opportunity to pursue a field in public safety and/or advance their skills in public safety. The projection of employment in criminal justice is expected to grow 5% from 2019 to 2029 nationwide, faster than average for all occupations. The need for public safety is expected to lead to new openings for officers (


Law enforcement: Regional: $52,585, State: $49,218, National: $62,980

Corrections Officer: Regional: $41,156, State: $40,686, National: $48,320

Career Examples

Law enforcement (police, deputy sheriff, trooper), Corrections Officer

First Semester

CRJ 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 111 - Police and Society 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 250 - Sociology of Deviance 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 160 - Introduction to Forensic Investigation 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 240 - Criminology 3.0 Credit(s)
SPC 170 - Professional Communications 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 18.0 Credits

Second Semester

CRJ 120 - Introduction to Corrections 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 133 - Constitutional Criminal Procedure 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 230 - Juvenile Delinquency 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 258 - Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice 3.0 Credit(s)
ENG 110 - Writing For The Workplace 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Third Semester

CRJ 130 - Criminal Law 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 235 - Gangs 3.0 Credit(s)
POL 111 - American National Government 3.0 Credit(s)
MAT 743 - Technical Math 3.0 Credit(s)
SPC 120 - Intercultural Communications 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Fourth Semester

CRJ 240 - Criminal Investigation 3.0 Credit(s)
MGT 195 - Workplace Empowerment 3.0 Credit(s)
PSY 111 - Introduction to Psychology 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 200 - Minority Group Relations 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 115 - Social Problems 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Total Semester Hours Required: 63.0


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