Human Services: Generalist Transfer Major, A.A.

Academic Programs

Start Term

Program Options

Degree, Certificate or Diploma


Council Bluffs Campus
Clarinda Center
Cass County Center
Page/Fremont County Center
Shelby County Center

Program Information

It takes a special personality to serve as a human services professional, and if you’re that kind of person, consider improving your chances in the field by enrolling in Iowa Western’s Human Services Generalist program. You’ll be trained in such areas as domestic violence, crisis intervention, child welfare, and assisting the elderly as you work toward an Associates of Arts degree.

The job market in this field is wide open, and you can start immediately after picking up valuable knowledge in addictive studies. Service learning projects give you access to community resources and provide opportunities to become familiar with several different agencies. Those hands-on experiences, combined with classroom instruction, will best prepare you for this field.

While students are able to enter the job force immediately after graduating, many are encouraged to transfer to a four-year institution to improve professional advancement chances. Some classes in this program are offered at night and online.

Job Outlook

This program is designed for students intending to transfer to a four-year institution upon completion. 

What will you do

This program is designed for students with the option of transferring to a four-year institution or entering the workforce in an entry-level position. This program will give students the opportunity to explore several career areas including youth care, addictive studies, case management, and social work. Career opportunities include employment in a number of fields such as mental health, substance abuse counseling, crisis intervention, youth worker, child/spousal abuse counseling, and working with the elderly.


  • Iowa
    • Entry: $20.22
    • Average: $29.54
    • Experienced: $34.20


    • Entry: $22.34
    • Average: $34.15
    • Experienced: $49.54

Career Examples

  • Social and Human Service Assistants
  • Child, Family, and School Assistants
  • Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors
  • Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors
  • Healthcare Social Workers
  • Social and Community Service Managers
  • Rehabilitation Counselors
  • Community Health Workers

First Semester

ENG 105 - Composition I 3.0 Credit(s)
PSY 111 - Introduction to Psychology 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HSV 259 - Introduction to Chemical Dependency 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HSV 109 - Introduction to Human Services 1 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 120 - Marriage and Family 1 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Second Semester

ENG 106 - Composition II 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 110 - Introduction to Sociology 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HSV 225 - Counseling Techniques 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HSV 132 - Fundamentals of Case Management 1 3.0 Credit(s)
SPC 112 - Public Speaking 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Third Semester

BIO 157 - Human Biology 4.0 Credit(s)
PSY 121 - Developmental Psychology 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HUM 287 - Leadership Development Studies 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HSV 115 - Agency and Community Resources 1 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 261 - Human Sexuality 1 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 16.0 Credits

Fourth Semester

HSV 180 - Ethics for Human Service Professionals 1 1.0 Credit(s)
HSV 802 - Internship 1 2.0 - 6.0 Credit(s)
HSV 190 - Youth Care Issues 1 3.0 Credit(s)
MAT 157 - Statistics 1 4.0 Credit(s)
PHI 101 - Introduction to Philosophy 3.0 Credit(s)
REL 101 - Survey of World Religions 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 16.0 Credits

Total Semester Hours Required: 62.0


1 Required courses for the program.



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Program Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of the program students will:

  • Recognize the professional characteristics of a human services worker.
  • Demonstrate effective interviewing and counseling skills when engaging clients.
  • Compose the written documentation required of a human services case manager.
  • Assemble a comprehensive service plan.
  • Recognize the dynamics of vulnerable persons and special populations.
  • Evaluate community and agency resources.

Program Disclaimers

  • Because career opportunities associated with this degree are so varied, salaries vary considerably as well. To explore careers and gather specific salary information, we encourage you to visit the following website: IHaveaPlanIowa