High School: College Early Start

College Early Start

The College Early Start Program is a way to provide students with a highly supportive initial college experience before graduating high school. College Early Start (CES) is designed to give high school students the platform to explore career options and a variety of classes. This creates academic momentum and a less stressful transition to the college environment. If desired, a student can enroll in a certification path so when they graduate from high school, the student will have a diploma and a certificate in the field they choose, thereby giving students an advanced enrollment standing upon entering college as a degree-seeking student.

To apply for the CES program, talk with your high school counselor.

Eligibility Requirement

  • State of Iowa Resident in grades 9 -12
  • Demonstrates proficiency on annual achievement evaluation administered by the school district
  • The student must work with their High School counselors


Certificate Pathways:

Graduate with a certificate while in high school.

For a full list of our programs, including certificate pathways and course descriptions along with course prerequisites, see our College Catalog.

Academic Support Transferring Credit

Using the credit you have earned at Iowa Western, contact our Admissions Office to see how those credits can be used towards your degree.

More credit transfer and transcript information.

Kimberly Wollenhaupt

Dean of High School Partnerships & Student Advancement

Ph: 712-325-3499
Email: kwollenhaupt@iwcc.edu

Jennifer Salvo

Director of High School Partnerships & Student Advancement

Ph: 712-325-3224
Email: jsalvo@iwcc.edu

Paige Tennigkeit

Student Success Coordinator

Ph: 712-325-3243
Email: ptenningkeit@iwcc.edu

Adison Leehy

Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator

Ph: 712-325-3288
Email: aleehy@iwcc.edu

Laura Mendoza

Director of Concurrent Enrollment Compliance & Accreditation

Ph: 712-325-3356
Email: lmendoza@iwcc.edu