Paying for College / Costs

Paying for College

One of the best ways to invest in yourself is through attending college. Spending money now to further your education can have a greater positive impact later. On average, people with an associate’s degree earn over $6,000 more a year than people without a college degree.

Payment Deadline

Please visit the payment plan page to view the payment deadline for the current semester. By the payment deadline, you need to have a plan in place for paying your bill. If you register for classes after the payment deadline, you must make payment arrangements within 48 hours of registration. Not paying your bill may lead to greater challenges such as not being removed from your classes, not being able to register for another semester, not being able to obtain a copy of your transcript and being sent to a collection agency and/or credit bureau. Once in collections, your account may be subject to collection fees. IWCC participates in the Iowa Statewide Setoff program which means that debts due to IWCC may be collected from students’ State of Iowa tax refunds and other State income. Iowa Western reserves the right to take any and all actions necessary to collect the debt.

Payment Options

We understand that paying for college can be stressful and we are here to help you and your family make your payment arrangements. You have different options for paying your bill. Click on an option below to learn more.

Estimated Costs for one Semester

Once you register for classes, you will have a bill for your tuition. Your bill will depend on the number and types of classes you register for.

The tuition is based on 15 credits (5 classes). Books’ costs can vary greatly and is estimated at $400 per semester.


At Iowa Western, we believe you should understand the costs of your education. We also realize that understanding college costs can be difficult. So, we encourage you to contact us with any questions. Email us at

You are billed one semester (fall, spring, or summer) at a time. Both Financial Aid and Payment Plans can be used to cover tuition, fees, and housing costs.
For more information on the Cost of Attendance

What are College Costs?

  • Tuition: is the bulk of your bill. Tuition is charged by credit hour, most classes are 3 credit hours.
  • College Service Fees: $17 per credit hour.
  • First Time Enrollment Fee: A one time, $35 fee that is charged for your first semester.
  • Books: prices vary based on each class. After you register for classes, visit the College Store online or in person. Use a rough estimate of $400 when you are planning on college costs.
Tuition per Credit HourFees per Credit HourTotal per Credit HourCost: 6 Credit HoursCost: 12 Credit HoursCost: 15 Credit Hours
Iowa Resident$214$17= $231$1,386$2,772$3,465
Non Resident/
$219$17= $236$1,416$2,832$3,540
Completing an associate’s degree in 2 years requires a student to take 15 credits each semester. Consult with an advisor for more information.

Residence Life Housing Costs

Living on campus gives you the full college experience as well as quick access to all classrooms and services at Iowa Western. The costs below are the total costs for housing and food in each housing facility per semester.

FacilityRoom TypePeople/BedroomCost
Tower (males only)Double2$3,175

Tuition Assistance and or Fees Other Fees

Other fees may be assessed for other services, as well as for specific programs and courses.

Administrative Withdrawal Fee$10 per credit hourCharged when a student is administratively withdrawn for non-attendance.
Payment Plan Fee$25Charged when setting up a payment plan.
Late/missed payment fee$25
Pre-Collection Fee$10